Sunday, June 30, 2019

Banana Dressed Slaw

This recipe is all about the dressing.

Chop up 1/2 head of cabbage (you can make it sexier by adding shredded carrots and chopped onions or scallions too)and toss with Banana Dressing. 
Great side dish for a BBQ, Fish Tacos or Grilled Chicken.

Banana Dressing 

1/3 of a  Banana
juice of 1 lime
1 tablespoons of honey
3 tblsp olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Mash the banana with the lime juice and the honey. This will keep the banana from turning brown. Wisk in the olive oil . Add salt and pepper. Enjoy.

Enjoy. Let me know how you used your Banana Dressing and Banana Slaw. 

With love and gratitude,


Find me partying here all week, at these link parties, with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or Follow us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, Linkedin, or Bloglovin .

Friday, June 28, 2019

Summer Fun Link Party 2019

Are you enjoying the summer? We're celebrating summer with a Summer Time Link Party for summer crafts, decor, recipes, and activities! We'd love to have you share your summer related ideas at the party. We can't wait to see some summer fun inspiration! 
Meet the Hosts!

Each co-host will be sharing a summer time post to kick off the party. You’ll find our links in the first of the Link Ups below. Please visit the links and check out all of the kick off posts. You’re sure to find lots of inspiration!

I have been working on a Camper post which is just about perfect for all those summer getaways. Checkout my Camper Countertop Creativity to add some extra counter space to your camper.

Co-Host Summer Fun Kick Off Projects

You’re invited to share any summer related posts: Crafts, Decor, Activities, and Recipes. If it’s a way to celebrate summer, we’d love to have you share it with us! We’re looking forward to seeing your summer time creativity! We’ll be pinning and sharing your posts over the next couple of weeks. The party is open through July 12 and on July 15 each host will be posting her features, so be sure to stop by for that.

Share Your Summer Crafts, Recipes, Decor, & Activities!


Find me partying here all week, at these link parties, with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or Follow us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, Linkedin, or Bloglovin .

Camper Countertop Creativity

Summer means more time spent adventuring in our camper. I’m not exactly sure why I like the challenge of being in this small space, but it is only with one other person and I love and adore him.

We have a rather roomy camper. And seeing as it’s only the two of us, it should…. should be roomy, however counter space is almost nonexistent.  I know they sell those stove top covers to create additional flat space,  for just what I really needed but measuring, ordering, waiting…not my style. Upcycling, thrift store, yard sale, my style.  I found what I needed at the second thrift store. I sized it up perfectly. 

What I found was this serving tray with the Scottish bag pipe player. Not the style for my  camper. So, I fixed that with some decorative papers and glue. For the background I used a tissue paper I found at a local Asian Market. I mention this because I have been in Asian markets before and they have beautiful napkins and papers for their celebrations . It’s fun to explore ethnic markets for goodies for crafting. The green background is the pretty tissue paper from the market.

Then, I used this camper image to draw a larger version that I then cut out from oak tag. 

From there it was a matter of choosing decorative papers for the doors and windows and camper. I used a pretty, floral lunch napkin to give the camper it’s big happy florals. You’ll need to pull the layers of the napkin apart to use  the sheerest layer. Then use some Mod Podge to glue the napkin to the oak tag camper. 

Instantly, it creates a color explosion of happiness. I used a round lid to trace out the tire.  

I cut the W A ND E R letters from a piece of scrapbook paper.

 Of course, the last minute addition of the moon made this feel perfect.

 When I travel I can store this piece on the wall, like a piece of art. ( Hello Velcro). But it’s really perfect for storing all my little kitchen goodies or providing a spot for drying my dishes.

Thanks for reading along and I hope to create a little more thinking about #smallspaces.

Enjoy the summer and leave me a comment about your small space challenge or how you solved a small space challenge.

With love and gratitude,


Find me partying here all week, at these link parties, with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or Follow us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, Linkedin, or Bloglovin .

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Banana Salad Dressing

One day I needed to up my dressing situation. I was actually making a dip for coconut shrimp but I quickly realized this was an awesome dressing.

1/3 of a  Banana
juice of 1 lime
1 tablespoons of honey
3 tblsp olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Mash the banana with the lime juice and the honey. This will keep the banana from turning brown. Wisk in the olive oil . Add salt and pepper. Enjoy. 

Look at that color. It is so good you'll want to drink it down. 

Prepare for oooh lala amazing. Great for a summer party. 

I used this to dress a simple coleslaw. It made it extraordinary and totally 5 star. 

The banana is completely unexpected and most people will not recognize it in this form. This dressing would work with a pulled pork dish, grilled chicken, fish or fish tacos.  Can you even imagine it on a salad with grilled bananas? 

"Put the lime in the banana and mix it all up" For real.

Have a great summer friends. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below. 

With love and gratitude,


Find me partying here all week, at these link parties, with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or Follow us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, Linkedin, or Bloglovin .

Friday, June 21, 2019

Funtastic Friday #233

Funtastic-Friday-Poster 600


Interested in hosting a link party or a themed link party? We’re always looking for bloggers to join us as party hosts. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the hosts. The party guidelines are super easy.

Meet the Funtastic Friday Party Hosts

We’d love it if you followed us on social media.

Trader Joe's Summer Finds @ Living On Cloud Nine
Michele's favorite - DIY Mail Organizer With Picture Frame and Old Leather Belts: Father's Day Gift Idea @ Thrift Diving
DIY Mini License Plate Game with free printable! Find out how you can transform an empty mint tin into this fun road trip game.
Heidi's favorite - DIY Mini Road Trip License Plate Game (with free printable) @ Comic Con Family
Keto Parmesan Zucchini Chips
Sherry's favorite - Keto Parmesan Zucchini Chips @ Wondermom Wannabe

Donna's favorite - Craft De-Stash: Family Scrapbooking Pages @ Our Unschooling Journey Through Life
Kristie's favorite - Pine Cones and Pine Cones @ Whispers of the Heart
If you were featured, take a second and tweet.
[bctt tweet="I was featured at the #FuntasticFriday link party!" username="olivesnokra"]
If you’re linking up and joining the party, please grab a button or link back to “Olives & Okra” or one of the party hosts (copy and paste the code below the button onto your blog text tab or text widget):

Easy Peasy Pleasy
If you’re a featured blogger, please grab a button to place on your blog (right click on the image and save the image to your computer):

Funtastic Friday Featured Blogger
All contributors who link up to the Funtastic Friday link party can join the Funtastic Friday group board on Pinterest. Follow me on Pinterest and leave a comment below that you would like to be added. We will also share your post on social media if sharing buttons are readily available on your post. Help grow the Funtastic Friday Link Party. Tweet about the party, please!
[bctt tweet="Add your link! The #FuntasticFriday link party is live!" username="olivesnokra"]
Disclaimer: By submitting a link to this blog link party, you are giving me permission to share and/or feature your blog post and image on social media and on my blog, Olives & Okra. All links shared will either link back to the blog hop (linky party) or to your blog.

Funtastic Friday 233 Link Party Rules

    1. Post as many links as you like
    2. Family friendly posts only
    3. Old posts are welcome
    4. We greatly appreciate comments.
With love and gratitude,


Find me partying here all week, at these link parties, with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or Follow us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, Linkedin, or Bloglovin .

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

#ChalkPainted #texturecasting Room Divider Upcycle

For this project I used a product called texture casting. It's a wood based paste that you can use to stencil on designs that later dry to a raised embellishment. 

(Before) I picked this up on the FB market for $30.00
 We have a one bedroom rental condo on Okaloosa Island in Florida and there is a pull out sofa in the living room. I thought a room divider would be the perfect way to lend a little privacy to those who would be sleeping on the sofa and also keep the noise from the kitchen from hitting the sleepers. Basically, if someone gets up and needs coffee this will provide a buffer.
I've used texture casting several times in my creating and it makes for a simple way to add something unique to furniture creations. See more texture casting ideas here.
 It's an easy paste to work with and you can use a spatula or an old credit card to spread the paste across the stencil. Try and use a very thick stencil for this or create a one time use stencil from oak tag.
 I applied the design but had to wait until it dried to lay down the stencil and reapply it to cover each section entirely. This was a bit time consuming but really worth it for a project like this.

 After all the sections were dry , I used Crisp Collar by Chalk Country Paint to give it a bright white finish
 Afterwards I use a dry brush to add some dark grey paint to the edges in order to help pick up the design and add a little shabby , distressed look to the divider.

Thanks for stopping by. 
Make sure to pin us to Pinterest.

With love and gratitude,


Find me partying here all week, at these link parties, with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or Follow us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, Linkedin, or Bloglovin .
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