Driftwood collector, driftwood traveler(someone who travels the coast in search of driftwood), driftwood decorator, driftwood crafter, driftwood LOVER!
I decided to create a post about things you can do with driftwood and wow was I surprised when I went back into my files. Actually, there are a few pics I couldn't find that I will have to add later. These are things that I have done that were my own idea and some inspired from Pinterest and other Internet sites. I hope you find some driftwood.
Above is a a driftwood climber that I created for my garden . In the winter it adds character and in the summer well it just sings a glorious song planted with big, bright blue Morning Glories.
This inspired the photo backdrop for weddings and events. We rent this out for events and weddings.( We also sell them down at the studio. Personally I like the idea of buying one of these for an event or wedding and then installing it into the garden.)

This is a shelf created with two pieces of wood found on the same day . One is actually a shelf from a boat with a few rusty nails
Simply placed, a site to adore.
Towel rack of course.
Fishy fishy
Not for everyone, but certainly funky.
Wall art.
Oops, sometimes a bonfire at the beach. This hurts too much.
Unforgettable lamp.
Thanks for indulging my driftwood infatuation.
You can find posts for most of these ideas here at my blog. https://coastalbohemian.blogspot.com/
Linking to http://afreshstartonabudget.com/motivational-monday-blogger-linkup-142/

Thanks again for reading and commenting and sharing.
Michele Michael