Monday, May 10, 2021

Upcycled Brass Planter-Dollar Store Garden Stakes

This month I've joined a "Dollar Store Challenge". As a challenge we must make something using Dollar Store purchases. I used garden stakes to upcycle a brass planter. Be sure and stop by these other bloggers to see what they have made.

I started with these garden stakes from my local Dollar Tree.
The metal tops are easy to remove from the metal stake.

I started by painting the metal butterflies using acrylic craft paints. 
Btw, any of the garden stakes could be used make as an adornment to a project or a sign. I picked up this red truck stake and hope to use it on a 4th of July sign. I'm just planting a seed so you remember not to pass by these little cuties, next time you stop in at the Dollar store.

I started with this $2 thrift store brass planter.
Drilled some holes.
A coat of white chalk paint. 
I printed out a label on my home computer and then I gave it a coat of clear wax and a buffing. This helps seal in the ink so it won't bleed.
I'm making this to transplant a gardenia that my father had given to me so a "Gardenia" theme label was just perfect.
After I decoupage the label, I give the entire piece a coat of clear wax and a buffing. 

Looking good but missing something. 

I used hot glue and E6000 to add the metal butterflies to the planter. The hot glue holds the butterfly to the metal planter while the E6000 dries. E6000 holds up to the weather. The hot glue will likely not hold up very long.

I hope you enjoyed this upcycle and I think you'll enjoy all the other posts below. Stop by and see what other Dollar Store projects my friends have created.

With love and gratitude,


Find me partying here all week, at these link parties, with some great bloggers.

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  1. What a fabulous idea, Michele! Looks lovely! I'm going to be on the lookout for those garden stakes! There are so many wonderful ways to use them! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thx Gail. I hope you get to pick up a few. I'm sure your creativity is running with ideas.

  2. The butterflies are the perfect embellishments on your pretty garden pot! I need to hit a Dollar Tree soon, but I've been using up my large DT stash before allowing myself back in LOL.

    1. I know the feeling. I'm always trying to Destash.

  3. This whole makeover is beautiful and then the butterfly is the perfect finishing touch. How funny that we both did makeover projects that incorporated something from the dollar store/£ shop!

    1. Thank you. I love the butterflies too. Really finished the project.


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