Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Funtastic Friday #313

Happy New Year all. I love this picture. It really feels like a festive New Year every time I put it up now. Maybe because we need a new year more than ever this year. Come on 2021, let's wipe the streets with 2020. Sorry, I have a little tough, Queens girl in me from my Mom . lol.

You can pop over to the tutorial for this with links to the printable image.

Now on to FF #313👉

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party #313 and Happy New Year's Eve!   Wishing you a health, happy, New Year.

Your Hosts:



Donna Two Chicks and A Mom
         | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | BL |
Heidi @ Building Our Hive 
Michele @ CoastalBohemian 
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Glitter Old Fashioned Christmas Light Bulb Ornament DIY 

by Master "PIECES" of My Life


Angela's Pick:

How to Reupholster Dining Room Chairs with Velvet 
by Thrift Diving 
Heidi's Pick : 

Almond Joy Bark Recipe  

by Anne's Entitled Life 

Donna's Pick :

by Building Our Hive 

Melynda's Pick: 

Snuffle Ball for Dogs

by Other people's Pets

Michele's Pick:

Glitter Old Fashioned Christmas Light Bulb Ornament DIY 

by Master "PIECES" of My Life

Congratulations to our Featured Bloggers! Please copy and paste a button to your blog so you can brag a bit!

Party Rules
1. Post up to 4 links.
2. Family-friendly posts only.
3. Old posts are welcome.
4. Comment on at least one post at the party.
5. Follow the hosts on as many platforms as you can.
We are your online friends. Let's interact, comment, and enjoy one another while supporting each other.

Thanks for stopping by.

Raw Honey for Burns #NatureNates #MiracleHomeRemedies #BurnRemedy

This summer I burned my arm on the oven while I was cooking. I knew it was going to be a pretty bad burn because the pain radiated through my body from my head to my toes. My fiancé decided to look up remedies for burns and one of the remedies was honey. 
(Btw, when he was looking up remedies I was thinking this was a waste of time, I knew the remedies, butter, cold water etc.)
 Of course he rattled off those remedies and then he said Honey. Bingo, we had that and that was new to me. What we had was raw honey and I mention this because I feel like that has something to do with the success rate here.
 I slathered on some honey and immediately the pain was relieved. But how long would it last?  After that,  I never had a moment more of pain. Additionally the burn never blistered. I did get a mark on my arm but it's pretty much faded now. For months now we talk about how the honey worked for the burn. It was a miracle.
Fast forward to the other night . I'm serving fresh pizza out of the 400 °oven and the pizza has slumped tomatoes on top and one of those 400 ° suckers slides off the pizza onto my bare foot. (Yes, I am always bare foot, because I can be.) Anyway this is going to be a bad burn because I feel it from my head to my burnt toes. (Come back for the recipe for that Turkey Skin Pizza) Yeah, baby. Oh and here is the recipe for slumped toma-toes. Haha get it toma-TOES.

Comedy scene here. My fiance starts yelling, "Get the honey" and he makes me put my bare foot on the counter top, because I can put that leg up there,  I am that limber,  and now he can tend to my wound. Then he starts to drizzle the honey straight out of the bottle onto my toes as if he was putting ketchup on his order of french fries.  The scene is so funny that I start cracking up laughing and pee my pants.  Lol . What? I'm 53 people, a hard laugh will do that. Add to that, I am now hobbling to the bathroom  with a honey covered foot and a trail of honey behind me on the floor. 

Lol. Every time I think of him with the honey bottle squirting out onto my toes I lose it. I see french fries and ketchup. My hero.
I'm happy to say that the burn M I R A C U L O U S L Y does not have pain after the honey treatment and there is no mark at all on my tootsies.

Next time you get a burn you may want to try this remedy out first.  Pin to your Home Remedies board. Or follow my Natural board on Pinterest.

I popped over to # NatureNates to get a picture of the product we used. I pick it up at Sam's Club . 

Now check it out. They sell these little honey  minis,  "ketchup style packets", I'm crying already. No joke you could keep those packets in your first aid kit. Brilliant. Who knew? Honey for the first aid kit.

 I wonder if it will help with sunburn ? **OMG #NatureNates will have a spray on honey by summer time selling  right next to the Aloe Vera. And it's all natural and it's available Organic. Hello Nature Nate's I have an idea. Whole foods?
 ****Update, it works for sunburn!!!*****

Stay tuned for the results of the sunburn testing.  It works better han anything , pain is gone immediately.

Can you see it now?  At the airport going on vacation, little honey mini's  hidden in your suitcase, packed amongst your bikinis, for your tropical vacay.

And I'm still laughing. 

With love and gratitude,


Find me partying here all week, at these link parties, with some great bloggers.

Follow me on  Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, Linkedin, or Bloglovin .

Spicy Marinated Mixed Olives #charcuterie #antipasto

Happy New Year everyone. 
You may want to try  these spicy olives  for your New Year's Eve spread.

I grew up in a house that always kept olives around the house.
( I'm a Greek. Actually, I'm a Cyprian but my family just told me I was Greek for so long I can't really stop now.) I grew up in a family that always kept olives around the house. Sometimes they even bottled their own olives. I get that olives are not a staple in most homes but maybe this quick recipe will change things. 

Ingredients- Variety of Jarred Olives, Olive Oil, Oregano, Celery Seed, Rosemary, optional Lemon and  Garlic.

Variety of jarred olives- you can find them all over but get daring and try shopping the ethnic markets. Middle eastern, European , Lebanese , Greek, and Turkish markets are a great place to start. If you have never been to these markets you will be surprised at the plethora of supplies you will find. Don't know where they are located, try Google maps. I can find them almost anywhere I travel.
Be sure and pick up some Feta cheese while you are at the market. Chances are it will taste like no other Feta cheese you have eaten.

Find a small covered container that will keep in the refrigerator. Add the mix of olives, pour on some olive oil, be very generous here, you want to see olive oil swirl around the mix when you pick it up .  Now add your spices. I'm sure I have at least a quarter teaspoon of each spice added to the olive marinade. You can stop here or you can add a few garlic clove slices and a slice or two of lemon. Toss and refrigerate. Ready to eat now or later. We can't wait to eat the olives so we eat them immediately but they taste better when the flavors have had time to marinate.
 These are a great addition to antipasto, salads,  #charcuterie boards and of course served straight up with most meals.

I love to serve them with my cute little olive spoon. See it has a little hole in the bottom to release the excess liquid. Not sure where I picked this up but I so adore it. 

Let me know how they taste. 
These should stay fresh  refrigerated for at least a week but I'm betting you can keep these up to two weeks no problem since the olives are salty and we used plenty of olive oil.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Funtastic Friday #312

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party #312
 and Happy Christmas Eve!  
Wishing you a health, happy, holiday. PLEASE FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA!

Donna Two Chicks and A Mom
Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | BL |
Michele @ CoastalBohemian
| Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter |Hometalk |
| Linkedin |BL |
Here are our Features from party #311!

Most Viewed

Friday  Favorites by Little Bit of Life
Michele's Pick:

 by Lora B Create and Ponder

Angela's Pick:
 by Lora B Create and Ponder
Heidi's Pick:
 by Organized island

Donna's Pick:
by Health , Home and Heart

Melynda's Pick:

by Fresh Vintage by Lisa S

Congratulations to our Featured Bloggers! Please copy and paste a button to your blog so you can brag a bit!

Party Rules
1. Post up to 4 links.
2. Family-friendly posts only.
3. Old posts are welcome.
4. Comment on at least one post at the party.
5. Follow the hosts on as many platforms as you can.
We are your online friends. Let's interact, comment, and enjoy one another while supporting each other.

Thanks for stopping by

Find me partying here all week, at these link parties, with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or Follow us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, Linkedin, or Bloglovin .

Friday, December 18, 2020

Funtastic Friday #311

Welcome to Funtastic Friday Link Party 311 with only a week to go before Christmas!  Are you ready to celebrate and hopefully enjoy the season?

Donna Two Chicks and A Mom
Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | BL |
Michele @ CoastalBohemian
| Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter |Hometalk |
| Linkedin |BL |
Here are our Features from party #310!
Michele's Pick:

 Building Our Hive's Grinch Cookies w/ Printable Tag
Angela's Pick:
Spinach Wrap Quesadilla wedges that look like a Christmas Tree with a pretzel stick at the bottom and strips of red peppers to serve as garland and diced yellow peppers as ornaments 
Heidi's Pick:
Easy Hot Chocolate Mix 
Mommy Hates Cooking Easy Hot Chocolate Mix
Donna's Pick:
Melynda's Pick:
upcycled cardboard Christmas decorations

Congratulations to our Featured Bloggers! Please copy and paste a button to your blog so you can brag a bit!

Party Rules
1. Post as many links as you like.
2. Family-friendly posts only.
3. Old posts are welcome.
4. Comment on at least one post at the party.
5. Follow the hosts on as many platforms as you can.
We are your online friends. Let's interact, comment, and enjoy one another while supporting each other.

Thanks for stopping by!

1. Post as many links as you like
2. Family friendly posts only
3. Old posts are welcome
4. Comment on at least one post at the party.
5. Follow the hosts on as many platforms as you can. We are your online friends. Let's interact, comment and enjoy one another while supporting each other.

With love and gratitude,


Find me partying here all week, at these link parties, with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or Follow us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, Linkedin, or Bloglovin .
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