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My daughter's boyfriend recently purchased a new home. I wanted to send a little gift card and a note to wish him well.
Since I make so many things , I decided to see if there was a funny idea for a card, on Pinterest.
This is my inspiration piece.
Please stop by and see all the great cards by this unique artist. She has some of the funniest quotes and hysterical artwork.
Remember I am on self quarantine, plus I'm trying to use up my stash of shit around this house. Of course, it's not shit but you should see what I have managed to pack into my little one bedroom condo.
Here's what I did.
I started with a sheet of watercolor paper.
But what about an envelope? Hmmm.
As chance would have it, that day I ran across a packet of Xmas cards I had been meaning to pack away that day. I used one of the cards, (and envelope), to trace the card onto my watercolor paper. Now I was sure my card would fit into the envelope.
Fold the paper in half to create the card.
I practiced drawing some houses.
I used a permanent marker because I had originally planned to add a little watercolor. I was considering making one of the houses hot pink with black polka dots.
I used a straight edge and a ruler to get my lettering as straight as possible.
In the end, I think it's perfect . The one house leaning to the side is too funny to me. It's actually a happy accident... hey, it's not easy drawing your own card.
I've included a copy for you to download and print your own card. It's fun for anyone who has bought a new home or has recently moved.