Sunday, May 12, 2019

Upcycled Faux Cement Planter

 Here's my wooden planter upcycle from this 

to this 

This month I joined several bloggers for an Upcycle Themed blog hop challenge. Be sure and pop on over to the other bloggers and see what they made.
So excited about the challenge this month. You see I had the perfect piece for this project. I had a wooden box that had been sitting around in storage. So I actually cleaned up and upcycled this month. Perfect way to upcycle.

 I found this faux metal fencing at the #dollartree hoping I could use it along the outside of the box. I snipped the spikes from the bottom.
 In the end it looked better tucked inside the back of the box. 
 Just checking to see how this will look with some herbs tucked inside.

BTW, if you use an old box for an upcycle you'll need to drill a few holes for drainage. 

Next I gave the entire box a coat of Chalk Country Paint . When it dried, I added more paint with some raw unsweetened coconut mixed inside to create texture. I added the now, texture paint, to several spots. 

 I normally use saw dust to add texture but hey, a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do. It worked. Although I should have been more diligent with my mixing because some of the coconut shows through . 
 As an after thought I decided to dry brush some green onto the texture to create the look of moss.  

Here it is completed. 

Thanks for reading along. Hope you found some inspiration along the way. Make sure to leave a comment below and like the video.

Check out the video here.

Here are the rest of the Upcycle Projects. 

Find me partying here all week, at these link parties, with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or Follow us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, Linkedin, or Bloglovin .


  1. How clever! I never would have thought to use coconut for textured moss! The fencing adds nice height, too. Well done! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. I had to do a double take when I first saw this, Michele! I think you have too much fun coming up with unique applications! Who would have thought to use coconut for texture! And I love the end results, too! Your planter looks marvelous!

    1. I hang out with a bunch of creative bloggers. The ideas flow much more now.

  3. The planter looks great, Michele. Using the dollar store fencing piece adds a fun look. I've never thought of making my own textured paint. That's a great tip.

    1. I normally use saw dust in my chalk paint, it helps it to look like layers of old chippy paint. Coconut had it's day in the sun. I used rice to recreate a broken wooden embellishment on a piece of furniture. It's 6 yrs later and it looks perfect and held up to cleaning.

  4.'re too funny. I would have never thought to use coconut in place of saw dust. Who knew coconut could add such nice texture to the planter. Looks great!

  5. This looks amazing! What a wonderful planter. I couldn't believe it was made out of wood.

  6. Great minds really do think alike! Our original 'before' boxes are so similar but our finished boxes are so completely different. I love the versatility of a good makeover!
    Your box looks great and the fencing behind is a really nice extra touch.

  7. Pretty planter centerpiece turned out perfect.
    Happy spring,


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