Saturday, April 27, 2019

Seahorse Starfish Canvas' #CoastalDecor #Seahorse #Starfish #Mixedmedia

I fell in love with this seahorse mixed media that one of our students completed in our mixed media art class. I determined immediately I would create 2 canvas' for the Okaloosa Island Condo Rental but with a twist on colors. 

Here they are completed and although I really love the way they came together,  I don't love the way they look hung in the room. I do love the seahorses but the starfish seem a little too folk artsy for me or maybe more child like. I'll  try to find  a way to work out something new for the starfish so I can love it.

Working with 16 x 20" canvas' I pulled together a variety of papers and napkins that I wanted to use as a collage background for my mixed media, much of which you won't see in the background but will come through as texture or as subtle peeks of interest.
I was sure to include some of this image into the sister canvas'. These vintage beach babes look like they were having so much fun at the beach. 
One of my tricks to keep a home printed photo from bleeding during mixed media is to coat it with a layer of furniture wax and then buff it. It seals the ink into the paper. In this case I tinted it blue using my Polished Turquoise Chalk Paint .

I used Elmer's Glue All mixed with a few tablespoons of water,( to make it flow better), to glue my collage pages to the canvas'.

After I get my images adhered  I begin to add color and soften the look of the images. My goal is to create a cohesive white on white background with peeks of color and peeks of images.

You see what's happening. 

When everything is dry ,I trace my seahorse and starfish onto the canvas using oil pastel. Using my finger to create shading and also to create a dark border around the entire canvas

My sister thought these were beautiful but I'm not loving them in this location. Independently I love them  but not for this space. So I think these will go up for sale.

Thanks for playing along.

With love and gratitude,


Find me partying here all week at these link parties with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or check us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, or  G+ .

#AirForce Armament #Museum Fort Walton Beach, Florida #FreeAdmission

We always pass the Air Force Armament Museum  on the way to our condo on Okaloosa Island. It's an exciting part of the last leg of our trip, it means we are close to home when we see the massive planes out around the museum.

Finally, we headed on over there with my nephew Michael, who was down with my sister for a visit at the beach. Let me just state here that Michael is an impressive 11 yr old boy who knew many of the planes and weapons by name. It was the best part of his vacation according to him.

We were pleasantly surprised to find out that admission to the museum was free. 
And they include a walking tour map of the exterior and the inside of the museum. 
One day at the museum is not enough to take in all they have curated. 
 This is Mikey in front of his most favorite plane. "Why?",  you ask the 11 year old, "is this your favorite plane?" "Because it is the most heavily armored." This kid likes weapons. 

There is a tremendous weapons room that will keep you fascinated. Michael asked us about a grease gun. He then showed us one on the phone to which I said "that's an actual grease gun", to which he replied, "no that 's just what they call it because it's a small ". We found the grease gun and boy did that kid school us. 

Here's the grease gun .


We were seriously impressed to see the MOAB aka Mother of All Bombs.

For more information visit the website 

The museum is located at 
100 Museum Drive, Eglin Air Force Base, 
Florida 32542

With love and gratitude,


Find me partying here all week, at these link parties, with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or Follow us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, Linkedin, or Bloglovin .

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Funtastic Friday #225

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Interested in hosting a link party? We’re always looking for bloggers to join us as party hosts. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the hosts. The party guidelines are super easy.

Meet the Funtastic Friday Party Hosts

We’d love it if you followed us on social media.
Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries FEATURED photo from Walking on Sunshine Recipes
Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries @ Walking on Sunshine
Super Soaker LifeHack: Kill Wasps With Soapy Water
Michele's favorite - Supersoaker Lifehack: How To Kill Wasps Naturally @ Oh Mrs. Tucker!
easy Unicorn popcorn recipe to make at home
Sherry's favorite - Gourmet Unicorn Popcorn Recipe @ 3 Boys and A Dog

Kristie's favorite - DIY Peter Rabbit Easter Village @ TeeDiddlyDee

Donna's favorite - 21 DIY Mother's Day Wreaths @ Crytal & Co.
Heidi's favorite - Apple Teacher Appreciation Free Printable Tag @ frog prince paperie
If you were featured, take a second and tweet.
[bctt tweet="I was featured at the #FuntasticFriday link party!" username="olivesnokra"]
If you’re linking up and joining the party, please grab a button or link back to “Olives & Okra” or one of the party hosts (copy and paste the code below the button onto your blog text tab or text widget):

Easy Peasy Pleasy
If you’re a featured blogger, please grab a button to place on your blog (right click on the image and save the image to your computer):

Funtastic Friday Featured Blogger
All contributors who link up to the Funtastic Friday link party can join the Funtastic Friday group board on Pinterest. Follow me on Pinterest and leave a comment below that you would like to be added. We will also share your post on social media if sharing buttons are readily available on your post. Help grow the Funtastic Friday Link Party. Tweet about the party, please!
[bctt tweet="Add your link! The #FuntasticFriday link party is live!" username="olivesnokra"]
Disclaimer: By submitting a link to this blog link party, you are giving me permission to share and/or feature your blog post and image on social media and on my blog, Olives & Okra. All links shared will either link back to the blog hop (linky party) or to your blog.

Funtastic Friday 225 Link Party Rules

  1. Post as many links as you like
  2. Family friendly posts only
  3. Old posts are welcome
  4. We greatly appreciate comments.

With love and gratitude,


Find me partying here all week at these link parties with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or check us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, or  G+ .

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Funtastic Friday #224

Funtastic-Friday-Poster 600


Interested in hosting a link party? We’re always looking for bloggers to join us as party hosts. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the hosts. The party guidelines are super easy.

Meet the Funtastic Friday Party Hosts

We’d love it if you followed us on social media.

Easter Egg Art @ Two Chicks and A Mom
Italian Easter Bread Rounds
Kristie's favorite - Italian Easter Sweet Bread @ Olives & Okra
DIY Paper Flowers Backdrop - easy paper craft tutorial for creating beautiful paper flowers for weddings, party photo-booth or home decor! by @birdsparty #floralbackdrop #paperflowers #flowerbackdrop #diypaperflowers #diybackdrop #diyweddingbackdrop #didyfloralarch #floralarch #floralwall #diy
Michele's favorite - DIY Paper Flowers Backdrop @ Birds Party
Easy To Make Unique Denim Handmade Chevron Rug
Heidi's favorite - Easy To Make Unique Denim Handmade Chevron Rug @ Pillar Box Blue
stack of baked gluten-free carrot cake doughnuts with vegan cream cheese frosting
Sherry's favorite - Baked Gluten-Free Carrot Cake Doughnuts @ Strength and Sunshine

Donna's favorite - Bunny Frame with Free Printable @ Coastal Bohemian
If you were featured, take a second and tweet.
[bctt tweet="I was featured at the #FuntasticFriday link party!" username="olivesnokra"]
If you’re linking up and joining the party, please grab a button or link back to “Olives & Okra” or one of the party hosts (copy and paste the code below the button onto your blog text tab or text widget):

Easy Peasy Pleasy
If you’re a featured blogger, please grab a button to place on your blog (right click on the image and save the image to your computer):

Funtastic Friday Featured Blogger
All contributors who link up to the Funtastic Friday link party can join the Funtastic Friday group board on Pinterest. Follow me on Pinterest and leave a comment below that you would like to be added. We will also share your post on social media if sharing buttons are readily available on your post. Help grow the Funtastic Friday Link Party. Tweet about the party, please!
[bctt tweet="Add your link! The #FuntasticFriday link party is live!" username="olivesnokra"]
Disclaimer: By submitting a link to this blog link party, you are giving me permission to share and/or feature your blog post and image on social media and on my blog, Olives & Okra. All links shared will either link back to the blog hop (linky party) or to your blog.

Funtastic Friday 224 Link Party Rules

  1. Post as many links as you like
  2. Family friendly posts only
  3. Old posts are welcome
  4. We greatly appreciate comments.

With love and gratitude,


Find me partying here all week at these link parties with some great bloggers.

If you are in Myrtle Beach come on down and visit us at the Coastal Bohemian Studio or check us out on Facebook, Pinterest , Instagram, or  G+ .
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