Over the last week we have been begun to unpack our belongings from our trailer to bring into our home. The house was naked without a cocktail table and luckily I knew I had this one in the trailer.
Years ago, I had painted this table white, given it a heavy sanding and a clear coat of Fiddes and Son Soft Wax.
To perk up the table, I clean up with some Mrs. Meyers All Purpose Cleaner and then I used a white scrubby pad to really get down and remove the nitty gritty . To help cover up some of the unwanted wear and tear, I took out my white chalk paint and gave it a dry brush coat here and there.
When that was done, I was not happy. The stark white paint made everything else look discolored. The white paint was too fresh and really didn't pull the piece together. Things didn't look right to me.
In my mind, I started to think of the things I could do to pull the piece together. I could top coat with a dark wax , or repaint the whole piece white and lug it outside to sand it and then wax it . And then I decided before all that, I could give it a white wax and see if that would do the job.
This turned out to be the answer for me and it only took 30 minutes.
Here's how you mix the white wax. I have used white wax in the past and sometimes I use more or less of each ingredient. Don't be afraid to be a scientists and play with the formula. Test it out before you commit to it as a top coat.
Over the next month, the wax cures to a beautiful lasting finish. You can use the furniture after the first 24 hrs, although I would be gentle with it.

This is a simple, easy way to lift a piece of furniture. I hope it inspires you to pull out some wax and some paint to give a piece an upcycle.
With love and gratitude,
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