
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Heart Pendant Beginner's Mosaic Fear.

This month I'm bringing back the mosaic. What I mean by that, is I'm planning a mosaic class down at the studio again. Mostly and often times selfishly I choose crafts I like. Who wants to teach something they don't like? 

I love mosaics and I get excited each time I find a new one. I found this one in a subway in NYC. He's very cool.

These I happened upon just driving and hugging the shoreline in Florida one day, hence the name Coastal Bohemian. Found them at Jetty Park in Ft Pierce. I was thrilled when I saw them. 

 Playing around in the studio one day I created a simple mosaic with sand and seashells and beach glass. It's about 12" x 12" and I gave it as a gift to my mother in law. She has it prominently displayed on an easel and it's perfectly fitting since she's a Coastal Bohemian as well.

I've offered mosaic classes several times over the years but with no takers. I'm pretty sure it's because I advertise with this  scary and overwhelming picture. 

Paying attention to what people say to me in our craft classes I continue to hear, "I'm not an artist.", "I'm a beginner.", and "I'm afraid.". All fear based.  I'm guessing that's why the classes didn't take. Neon lights flashing in my face right now!

As I contemplate classes this month  I believe this mosaic heart pendant is a great way for people to begin to mosaic. It's small and unimposing.

Personally, I art  for interior design . I like to decorate or create furniture with upcycling and artsy embellishments and mosaic adds a sense of novelty, along with that funky, artsy feel.
Here's a mirror mosaic table I sold.

This is my prize possession and it's a perfect fit in our beach cottage style condo here in Myrtle Beach.

I was a beginner mosaic crafter once and I'm hoping to teach those who are interested that it's a tangible art for them as well. I get it, I'm the kinda chic who will jump right into a project, big or small, right or wrong and use the entire process as a learning experience. Apparently, not everyone is like this. OK, regroup here.


I'm back.

Let's start small and grow.
I here you when you say you want to learn how to mosaic and I think I have found the perfect little project.

Working with people at the studio I learn something almost everyday. 
"What have I learned today?", I find myself asking that more and more lately and there is always a response. 
As for today, I have learned to take the motte before I storm the castle.
Let's start small and grow. So we won't craft a large mosaic today , but we can create a lovely introduction to mosaics with a dainty heart shaped pendant.

Thanks for reading along. 
Here's to broken bits! 

Your Coastal Bohemian

You can find me partying at these link parties. 

Update 12-15-17 I had the pendant mosaic class and had my first 2 students , both of whom are interested in doing a mosaic class. 

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