

Friday, December 25, 2015

January Calendar of Events

Fun fun fun planned for January and we already have folks signed up. 
You can view most class descriptions on Etsy but just for fun I've decided to post some pics of past classes and upcoming . 

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Sailor Blue, Crisp White and Wood-Boo Hoo and Awesome

I picked up this 5 draw chest and after some time decided I wanted to do a natural wood and paint design .It was certainly a Boo Hoo piece that needed a new image, a fashion consultant,  a new story teller.

First, I had to sand those decals off and get down and see what I thought about the wood. I had to be very selective of the draws to be painted and those to be stained because not  all the draws were good looking enough to handle the natural wood look.
While I was deciding what stain to use, I decided to play around with my dark wax , Fiddes Rugger Brown wax.

A quick coat and buff told me this was it . A second coat and buff sealed the deal ... or rather the wood.

I was thrilled with the results and look forward to another natural wood project just because of this product. Yes, this was just a simple wax applied with my wax brush and buffed. LOVE!!!!

I used Sailor Blue Chalk Country Paint which you can find on my Etsy site link here . These paints are my best friend.
This seems a bit bright. The finished piece is actually Sailor Blue and is closer to the picture just above this . And these white knobs ...oh sooo perfect.

We have a full calendar of workshops scheduled for the new year including Chalk Painting Beginner's, Paint  a Piece Party, Empowerment Stones Harmony and Balance, Mosaics and more.   I hope to be seeing you in the New Year . Happy Holidays.
Coastal Bohemian 

Friday, December 11, 2015

Very Merry Berry Chicken Salad


1 Extra large chicken breast boiled and chopped
3 Stalks celery chopped
1 Handful of Dandelion chopped small like an herb
1 Half onion chopped
1 Handful Roasted whole unsalted almonds
3 tbls Olive Oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Whole Pomegranate Seeded (These are the berries)

I always try to have some sort of easy to grab salads around the house for when Im working or in case someone comes by the house.

I mixed up what I had around the house chicken ,onion, celery and almonds. I was digging around looking for some fruit and realized I had this pomegranate I had just seeded. Yummy...this could be really good.

I tossed in the pomegranate and all of a sudden my dainty little salad started to look like Christmas. The pomegranates looked like little holly berries, which I love to pick and use to decorate with this time of the year. It needs just a bit more green and I had the dandelion and so in it went .
You could substitute spinach or parsley for the dandelion. 
Mix all the ingredients and chill. 
Serve with Trader Joe's Pumpernickel Pretzels for a fun pairing.

It is a great little salad ,very festive looking and if you find a way to use individual servers like in the photo at the top  this salad could really be pretty on a buffet or  as an hor d'oeuvre.
It's so simple and easy. You can surely make this two days in advance of any party and have a little less party stress.

Happy happy holiday all.

Michele Michael